March 15, 2010

Sometimes I get lost reading all these photo blogs.  They are full of wonderful photographs, stories, photography tips, and so on.  “Rita”, is the writer and owner of a blog site called Coffee Tea Photography.

Rita is a “stay at home mom” who describes herself as being addicted to photography.  She also loves to help others with her knowledge by sharing her personally made actions used in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements.  Her site also includes Storyboards and templates, Textures, and tons of tutorials.  Sounds cool right?  What if I told you, everything on her site is free?  Well, it is!  Why free?  It’s simple; part of Rita’s passion with photography is helping others.

I’ve found Coffee Tea Photography to be very informative, full of great ideas and useful items.  Rita’s site is a great place to learn from and for those of you that can’t afford some of the expensive editing software out there, stop on in and take a look around at Coffee Tea