PhotoVision – Education and solutions for pro photographers!

April 16, 2010

I love PhotoVision! I LOOOOOVVVEEE PHOTOVISION!! Do you understand what I’m trying to say here?! PhotoVision has been around over a decade and has tens of thousands of pro photographers learning from them.

PhotoVision has much to offer in the way of educational videos. I ran across their products around five or six years ago and I’ve been a fan ever since. The DVDs I bought back then are still helpful and I love to go back and watch them all the time.

PhotoVision offers other stuff as well like products such as calibration targets but what they are most known for and rightly so are their instructional videos.

For a yearly subscription, you can receive their videos six times a year. They also have other DVDs available with all subjects related to portrait photography from top portrait photographers in each given genres such as children’s photography, wedding and senior portraits. Names such as Kirk Voclain, Kia Bondurant, Sarah Petty and Sarah Antisdel. What they ask for membership is so worth the money. If you haven’t purchased their videos before you can go back and get 2009 at a very discounted rate! But even full rate is worth it in my opinion.

Also, check out their facebook page! – great online source!!! and FREE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION!!!

April 9, 2010

Are you a pro? If so, you may already know this, but if not, let me let you know that if you are, you can get a free subscription to Range Finder Magazine just for signing up! is also a great site with lots of resources and information for professional and amateurs alike.

RangeFinder Magazine has a long history of photographic excellence and being a leader in this industry. Check it out!

Create Pictures that Bring Tears of Joy – Tips for photographing kids

March 10, 2010

There are lots of tips and tutorials out there on the web and books that discuss how to get children to smile and how to interact with them. So trying to figure out which ones are great and worth discussing here on this site can be a challenge. I photograph kids everyday and have done so for over ten years. But I even found this next article very helpful: Child Photo Tips

The site it’s on is Best Family Photography Tips. It has tons of helpful tips and little filler. It’s really jammed packed with good, condensed info that is helpful even to the most experienced photographer. It serves as a great source of reminder and of course learning for anyone else wanting to improve their family photography

Get that baby smiling

March 8, 2010

Learn how to get babies to smile!

For those who photograph babies know that at times it can be a bit challenging. However, with experience, you can learn how to get young people to smile for the camera.

Recently, I found a great post on how to get a baby to smile. Ten tips for making your baby smile is a great blog post that would benefit any photographer who feels comfortable enough to handle children. This post is really insightful into how children feel and react to interaction from parents and adults. It is not a post geared for photographers, however, it is certainly beneficial to portrait photographers who photograph babies. Enjoy! – Amazing resource for studio shooters

March 1, 2010

a sample of what you can create and attatch to your photos on Super cool!

How many times have you seen the question asked, “Can you tell me where you put the lights?” Well now there’s a really really cool site that answers that question for you.

It’s called What I love about it is the fact that it is designed to help studio photographers learn how other photographers light their subjects in the studio.

From the positions of the lights, camera and subjects and also the kind of diffusion they are using as well. There is an application on the site that allows you to put this diagram right on your photo and help others see just how you lit your subjects.

Obviously for you, the benefit is seeing really cool photos and you don’t have to wonder anymore how it was lit… the diagram and directions ARE RIGHT THERE! How cool is that?! – awesome resource for studio photographers

February 27, 2010

When I first began becoming interested in learning more about studio lighting than what I was already doing, I found Bill and Ed are the photographers behind this amazing resource for studio shooters. is most likely known and popular for their great podcast Lightsource. This podcasts interviews really great and technically proficient photographers about their lighting, their diffusion choices and even their experiences with subjects, but it really does narrow down to their lighting. Lightsource is certainly the reason I keep going back to this site. Of course, you can subscribe to their podcast through itunes.

Other things has to offer are articles, book reviews, news, diy tutorials and much more. This site has been in existence for years and continues to be a source of help and inspiration for studio photographers everywhere.  Definitely one of my favorite sites out there. Check it out!